Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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1 Subject



Q 1. Why were Monks so important in Medieval Europe? Why were they revered? Can they be compared to any figures in today's world? 2. What influence do you think that the Vikings had on Western Civilization? Were they a force for good or bad? Explain

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Monks were important in the Medieval Europe because they received education and power. They were closer to God. The monks played an important role in the community, they helped the poor, took care of the sick and also for the locals provided education. They let the travels stay because there were very few inns in Medieval Europe. Because of the ubiquitous power of religion, and especially Christianity, monasticism flourished in medieval Europe ("History: Middle Ages Monasteries for Kids", 2021). Monks and monasteries did give back to the community in which they lived by helping the poor and providing hospitals, orphanages, public baths, and homes for the aged. In today’s world monk cannot be compared to any figures.