Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Momentum for Change

Momentum for Change

Q Read about two years of awards under the "Momentum for Change" "Lighthouse Awards". 2018 Awards: (Links to an external site.) 2017 Awards: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)The awards are granted in four areas: 1) Planetary Health; 2) Climate Neutral Now; 3) Women for Results; and 4) Financing for Climate Friendly Investment. The selection criteria for the awards include: Be scalable and replicable. Already be implemented or in the process of implementation. Address climate change mitigation or adaptation. Be innovative and/or demonstrate potential for long-term transformational change. Deliver verifiable social and environmental benefits. After reading the brief descriptions of the awards, choose 2 (must be from 2 different categories) that you think will be the most impactful. It is preferred that the award be to a company and/or that a collaborative effort is involved, but if you see others as especially impactful you are not restricted to writing about a business or collaboration for this assignment. In your two write-ups, include the following information about the project (each section should be at least one long paragraph): I. Title of Project, location and brief overview description. II. Statement of the climate change issue the project is addressing, which of the 4 categories it is in and how the project is addressing that issue. Note if any collaborations are involved (link in assigned Kiron article if possible). III. The results thus far from the project. IV. The potential for replication and truly transformational change as a result of this project. ?

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Planetary Health and Women for Results are chosen for completing the two write ups. These two awards are effective as both these awards are focused for saving and maintaining a healthy environment for the world. From Waste to Wow The title of the project is “From Waste to Wow”, the location is Italy and the motif of this project is to save the environment of this beautiful planet. This project is addressing the issues of environmental problems for the humans and to save the environment. The waste will be collected and it will be transformed into beautiful products in a proper manner. The category that the project is in Planetary Health and the project is solely addresses the environmental changes and its solutions ("Momentum for Change | UNFCCC", 2019).