Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 7- Teamwork Organizational Leadership and Management in Sport, Fitness and Recreation

Module 7- Teamwork Organizational Leadership and Management in Sport, Fitness and Recreation

Q • In a Word document, complete the assignment and describe each section below. Divide your paper using subheadings so it is very clear and easy to follow. I’ve listed prompts that you need to address (feel free to add others as needed) but make sure you explain your reasoning. Also, remember to integrate course concepts. • Submit to the drop box in D2L In your write-up include the following items: Name First, Last, Module 7: Team Member Evaluation Assignment Tool kit 10.1 survey Evaluate multiple team members using this survey tool. Provide score for each member of team (member A, B, C, etc.) Note: if you need to slightly adjust the wording of any of the questions to better fit your situation, go ahead Analysis of results Provide a synopsis: What are the strengths and weaknesses of your team members – emerging themes? What impact does this have? Threats What threats is your team susceptible to/or suffer from? High Performing Team What aspects of a high-performing team does your team possess? What is missing/needed in order to be a high-performing team? Management Plan What is your plan to improve your team? How can you leverage strengths and address weaknesses? Refer to Tool Kit 10.3, Tool Kit 10.4 and 10.5 and other course concepts.

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Molly Sheridan, Module 7: Team Member Evaluation Assignment Tool Kit 10.1 survey: The results of the survey for team members are: Member A: 52 Member B: 49 Member C: 54 Member D: 55 Analysis of results: All the members of the group showed a positive response over the survey and as per the questions it can be said that all the members are able to flexibly demonstrate a good range of communication and also encouragement towards their teamwork.