Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 7 Research Questions (RQ)

Module 7 Research Questions (RQ)

Q After completing the assigned reading and watching the lecture videos for this module, write one substantive paragraph (4-6 sentences) for each question below: 1. Reflect on the implication of the Rahab story in your life and church context. Who might be the “Rahab” for your church community? How does the Rahab story affect you spiritually? 2. What is the teaching point of the Ai narrative and how does it relate to your life? 3. Articulate both why we find the land division chapters boring and why they are important to the book as a whole. Submit your RQs as a Microsoft Word document.

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I think that my father can be considered to be Rahab in association with my church community. This is because he has always been working selflessly with steadfast faith in the church as the eucharistic minister to change the hearts and lives of nonbelievers and weak believers. The spiritual effect of the Rahab story in my spiritual life is the lesson that Jesus Christ is always ready to accept sinners, forgive sinners and male sinners reconcile with God the Father and the Holy Spirit.