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Module 6 Assignment Part 3

Module 6 Assignment Part 3

Q This is a group activity. For more information on groups, please see About Group Work. ln this activity, you will work with a small group to evaluate a discharge plan that has been completed for a client. Read the Michael S. Case Study PDF and related Discharge Plan Word Document. Note: This is a different case, not the Penelope case study you have been working with for most of the activities and the projects in this course! Work with your group to determine: • What might not be correct in the filled-out form • What might be missing from the discharge plan • Whether the recommendations for this client are appropriate • Additional recommendations that may be needed • How to make this discharge plan accurate and complete for the client As a group, you will submit a revised version of the discharge plan as well as a written response that identifies parts of the original plan that were not filled out correctly or completely and evaluates whether the recommendations for this client are appropriate. The format of this discharge plan is the same format you should use for completing Final Project II: Residential Discharge Plan. Reviewing this format and discussing the best way to complete a plan using this format will help prepare you for Final Project II, which is due next week. After discussing the above items with your group, choose one person to submit the revised version of the discharge plan and written response to the 6-2 Group Assignment. To complete this assignment, review the Module Six Discharge Plan Review Guidelines and Rubric PDF document. Overview: ln this activity, you will work with a small group to evaluate a discharge plan that has been completed for a client. Read the Michael S. Case Study and related Discharge Plan Template. Note: This is a different case, not the Penelope case study you have been working with for most of the activities and the projects in this course! Work with your group to determine: • What might not be correct in the filled-out form • What might be missing from the discharge plan • Whether the recommendations for this client are appropriate • Additional recommendations that may be needed • How to make this discharge plan accurate and complete for the client Then work together to revise the discharge plan to address the deficiencies your group has identified in the original plan. As a group, you will submit your revised version of the discharge plan as well as a written response that should include each of the following elements: • Identification of parts of the original plan that were not filled out correctly or completely (e.g., incorrect information based on the Michael S. Case Study, missing information or details that should have been included based on the Michael S. Case Study) • Evaluation of whether the recommendations for this client are appropriate This task will help you to prepare for completing Final Project I: Early Intervention Plan. Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value Revised Discharge Plan Submits a revised version of the discharge plan that addresses the majority of the deficiencies in the original plan Submits a revised version of the discharge plan that does not address a majority of the deficiencies in the original plan Does not submit a revised version of the discharge plan 50 Incorrect Parts Accurately identifies a majority of parts of the original plan that were not filled out correctly or completely Identifies some but not a majority of parts of the original plan that were not filled out correctly or completely Does not identify any parts of the original plan that were not filled out correctly or completely 20 Evaluation of Recommendations Evaluates whether the recommendations for this client are appropriate in a clear and logical manner Evaluates whether the recommendations for this client are appropriate, but the evaluation is unclear or illogical Does not evaluate whether the recommendations for this client are appropriate 20 Writing Mechanics Writing has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Writing has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Writing has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 10 Total 100%

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Client’s Name:_ Diagnosis upon Admission: _303.90 Alcohol Use Disorder,-severe; 304.00 Opiate Use Disorder- Severe; 305.1 Tobacco Use Disorder- Severe______Presenting Problem:_ I can’t quit heroin or alcohol_________ASAM Level upon Admission:_1__________Primary Counselor:_JoTanglewood________Diagnosis Upon Discharge/Indicate changes:_303.90 Alcohol Use Disorder - severe/in early remission, in controlled environment; 304.00 Opiate Use Disorder - Severe/in early remission, in controlled environment; 305.1 Tobacco Use Disorder - Severe/in remission, in controlled environment; Major Depressive D/O ASAM level upon Discharge:_.5_______Reason for Discharge:_Michael completed the detoxification stage of addiction.