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Module 4 Ch 13 Case Study

Module 4 Ch 13 Case Study

Q CLINICAL CASE REPORT Chapter 13 Running Problem: Tetanus Case History/Background: 1a) By what process is tetanospasmin taken up into neurons? Facts : Integration and Analysis 1b)By what process does tetanospasmin travel up the axon to the nerve cell body? Facts : Integration and Analysis

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1a)Facts :Tetanospasmin is a protein Integration and analysis : Integration and Analysis: Proteins are too large to cross cell membranes by mediated transport . Therefore , tetanospasmin must be taken up by endocytosis . [ page :152].1b) Facts: Movement of substances from the axon terminal to the cell body is called retrograde axonal transport .[page : 252].Integration and Analysis: Tetanospasmin is taken up by endocytosis ,so it will be contained in endocytotic vesicles . These vesicles “walk” along microtubules through reterograde axonal transport .