Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 2 Discussion (3)

Module 2 Discussion (3)

Q Today there are a lot of Christian (Catholic or Protestant) denominations and most of them claim to be based on the Scriptures. How can there be so many denominations when there is only one Bible? Can we know what is right and what is wrong? Can we know which interpretation of the Bible is correct? And if not, how can we choose which religion is correct?

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When Jesus came to this earth and lived his life and died for our sin He did not do all these things to establish a religion or divide the people on the basis of different sects. Instead, it is the humans that came up with their own versions and started believing it them and then started making a sect out of it. There is only one Bible and us as humans cannot say which is the correct one but until and unless people do not follow humanity as taught by Christ the meaning of becoming a true believer or in that case, a Christian will never be achieved and all the things that are written in the original scripture will not be of any value.