Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 1 Chapter 3 Assignment 3

Module 1 Chapter 3 Assignment 3

Q Introduction to Soc: Ch3 Basics: You are going to read Chapters 3, watch my zoom videos on them, and submit two paragraphs via here. Answer these two items: 1.Material vs Nonmaterial culture. Talk about you or someone in the media. Describe either your, or that person's, material and nonmaterial culture. 2. Cultural Relativism is one of the most important ideas in social science. Think of yourself in this context. Think of a time when you have had to stop and say to yourself, "What this person (or these people) do is weird from my perspective, but IT WORKS FOR THEM, so I should get over myself and my bias and respect where his/her/their practice/life/tradition/culture." Share a paragraph.

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For this part I will be going over material vs non material culture and the differences with some examples. Starting with material culture, which includes everything that is a part of our constructed, physical environment, including technology. Whereas non material culture includes values, beliefs, behaviors, and social norms. I have a friend that is a caucasian American and is married to a man from Jordan. She grew up in a financially comfortable home and could have almost anything she wanted material wise. However, when she married her husband her materials and nonmaterial life had to change since he had different beliefs and values.