Student Solution


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1 Subject

Week 9 Midterm Essay


Q Much late 19th/early 20th century American fiction, such as “Daisy Miller: A Study,” “A New England Nun,” “The Storm,” “The Yellow Wallpaper,” and “The Other Two,” portrays women who feel constrained by prevailing social conventions regarding marriage. For any three of these works, discuss how marriage restricts personal freedom and fulfillment, and the central female character’s response to these limitations. Comment on whether she succeeds in reconciling freedom and marriage or must choose between the two.

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For long it was said that women are only fit to being a wife, maintaining household works and taking care of children. They suffered from lack of identity or freedom as noted from the history. It was in the 1920s that the women’s movement was started to gain rights for women and make them enjoy a free life.