Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Management Challenge Recommendation

Management Challenge Recommendation

Q Finding a way to meet management challenges by presenting a variety of solutions allows for the opportunity to not only effectively use one of these solutions, but a chance to find a unique approach. For this assignment, students will develop a detailed recommendation or recommendations to the case provided. A rough draft of the student's work (this initial rough-draft post does not need to be formatted as an APA document. However, the final paper due by Day 7 should be formatted as an APA-formatted paper) should be posted to the Discussion Board by Day 3 (NOTE: 20 points will be deducted from the overall 80 points available on this assignment if a draft is not submitted in the Discussion Board by Day 3 as outlined above).

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Step 1- Recap and analyze the relevant facts There is already a travel concern for winter storm for the attendees and the speakers. There is a need of further improvement for making possible the journey safe for the attendees in a proper manner. Strict agenda for the day has been chosen as the timeframe for SWIM is very strict. As the deadline is near and progress is limited, therefore, there is a constant tension. Change management process should create a sense of emergency (Soltani & Navimipour, 2016).