Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

M5 Journal 1 _ 19 th Century American History

M5 Journal 1 _ 19 th Century American History

Q Directions: The Journal Entry assignments are all the same: After reading each chapter, select two events (not people) that you think are the most significant or important in shaping the period that the book discussed in the assigned chapter, and write an entry (fully cited) arguing for the significance of the two events you've selected. See the "Journal Entry - Directions" page under the Course Content page or in the Course Information module for more information.

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From Chapter 15 the two significant events that I have chosen are the Black Codes and the Fifteenth Amendment. These two events have opposite impacts on the slaves. While the Black Codes made the free blacks slaves again the Fifteenth Amendment gave them right to vote which was a great achievement for the blacks as now their opinions mattered too.