Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

M1D2 Personal Creativity Assessment


Q Introduction After reading the Introduction and Appendix B (The Research Behind the Eight Steps) in Zig Zag: The Surprising Path to Greater Creativity (Links to an external site.), take the Personal Creativity Assessment found in the Introduction. Keep a copy of your individual scores for use because you will need them to determine your reading assignments in Zig Zag for Module 1 and for all modules in the coming weeks. This will also include completing selected activities in the chapters for a weekly journal assignment. This is a “zig zag” rather than linear approach to creative problem solving, so you may wish to begin with the chapter that relates to the area where your lower score reflects a need for a bit more effort and exercise or you can choose to start somewhere in the middle. By Module 7, you will have worked with all eight steps. This activity aligns with module outcome 2. Discussion Questions Post your results from taking the Personal Creativity Assessment, and address all the following items: • Discuss not only your strongest scores, which reflect a greater potential to excel, but all the areas in which you scored, including the lowest scores, which reflect a need for a bit more effort and exercise. • What was surprising to you about your results? • What additional questions can you think of that might have given more clarity in assessing the results for any of the steps? As you contemplate posting responses to classmates, choose one person with similar results to yours as well as someone with results that are quite different. We will be doing collaborative work throughout our class, so think about ways in which you will want to work with people who have similar creative strengths and people with different strengths than yours. I achieved a score of 4 out of 6 points for Ask. Learn – 6 out of 8 points. Look – 4 out of 6 points. Play – 5 out of 6 points. Think – 3 out of 6 points. Fuse – 2 out of 6 points. Choose – 4 out of 6 points. Make – 3 out of 6 points.

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My scores reflect that there is presence of positivity and urge to come up with something new mostly. There can be situations when I might feel embarrassed at silly things I try to come up with. However, there can be encouragement obtained by me from the silly things because I can always innovate and improvise on a silly idea. There can be some ideas appearing to be impractical in my mind. However, these ideas can become practically possible to be implemented in future with more inputs provided by primary and secondary researched conducted by me.