Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Learning Theory

Learning Theory

Q Scenario: You have been asked by your boss to design a two-hour training program on harassment for a group of predominantly Millennial employees.* Which learning theory would you use to design it and why would you use that one? Describe two or three specific actions would you take to make help employees transfer their learning back to the job.

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The Millennial employees can be considered as the employees of the new generation. Therefore, there is a need of new kind of training program for managing the harassment for a group of predominantly Millennial employees. The learning theories involve behaviorism, connectivism, constructivism and cognitivism. The connectivism learning theory suggests the predefined and measurable goals. On the other hand, the connectivism learning theory involves the significances of the social influences, human consciousness and free will (Siemens 2014).