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Ken Reed 4.5 - Assignment Summarize Key Points

Ken Reed 4.5 - Assignment Summarize Key Points

Q Reflect on your readings, discussions, and assignments this week, and in a minimum of 250 words, explain how the use of GPS navigational aids may be used to overhaul the current air traffic control system and how this would affect the aircraft in today's inventory. Review the evaluation rubric for detailed grading criteria on this assignment. Submission Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and a description of the assignment. When you have completed this assignment, submit your paper to your instructor through this activity.

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The results obtained from the utilization of GPS have been proved to be more accurate than any other location navigation systems. There can be different dimensions of aircrafts which can be located with the use of the GPS system. These dimensions are generally found when the aircrafts move from the surface to the earth. There can be more accurate knowledge gained by the pilots about climate changes and air traffic. Bad weather conditions can be recognized early so that the pilots can divert the aircrafts to different directions. Flight time can also be saved in this manner.