Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Intro to Hospitality Management_Discussion2

Intro to Hospitality Management_Discussion2

Q Explain how technology helps hospitality businesses to know more about different customer segments. Gradually, at your instructor's direction, move into a discussion of how technology is also helping hospitality operations to perform more efficiently in the Front-of-the-House and in the Back-of-the-House areas of operation.

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Service industry is a vast concept which also includes hotel and restaurant chains and services. Previously hotels and restaurants were a field which was based on personal touch and hospitability. But with the advancement of science and technology that has influenced trading and business over all sectors, had a radical impact on the hospitability served in the sectors hotels and tourism. The most beneficial facility that is provided by the service industry is the convenience of online booking. Guests can now with the aid of internet view the interiors of the rooms and also get the information of the facilities provided by the hotels.