Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

6 Universities

4 Courses

3 Subjects

International-Comparative Analysis

International-Comparative Analysis

Q Describe and analyze work-family issues in a focal country (other than U.S) of your choosing. Develop and write a brief report that synthesizes "multiple sources" into a coherent line of argument about the nature of work-family linkages in your focal country. Use the broad themes of the course (changes and conflicts, social structure, agency, business practices, public response and issues of diversity) and the following questions to generate a country profile: What are the demographic trends related to work-family issues? How do national policies address work-family issues? What are the hot topics in research on work-family issues? What do people think about work-family issues? How do work-family issues vary for different social groups (e.g., women/men, adults/children, one-parent/two-parent families, natives/immigrants)? Anything else you would like to share? Format: With this assignment, it may be best to submit in a Word or PDF attachment. Make sure you create a title page for your assignment. Please limit your report to approximately 2-3 pages. A seamless narrative is better than an abundance of disjointed or rambling pieces of information. Use APA guidelines for citation formats within the body of your report as well as your list of references. Evaluation Criteria: Sociological Content All content explicitly relates to work-family issues in the focal country, not just general country “facts.” Describes national demographic trends related to work-family issues Identifies relevant cultural values and describes public opinion as it pertains to work-family issues Identifies and explains several hot research topics on work-family issues in the focal country Describes national work-family policies, including benefits and regulations Describes the national system of childcare Explains how work-family linkages differ by gender, social class, family structure, region, and so forth Reasonable amount of high-quality, reputable references Quality of Writing Supports all assertions with appropriate illustrations or data Sociological jargon is clear, effective, and appropriate. The report has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction specifies the purpose and central thesis of the report. The introduction grabs the readers’ attention in an engaging way. Uses transitions and/or headings to guide the reader through the report. Each paragraph concentrates on one central idea (unity) and is easy to follow (coherence). The body of the report develops the central thesis in an effective and convincing fashion. Integrates information from various sources to support assertions; the report is not merely a linear narrative about each separate reference. Appropriately and effectively cites and paraphrases other writers in the body of the report. The conclusion provides a sense of completion without merely restating the introduction.

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To do a proper research and analysis on work-family issues in any focal country, we must clear our concept of a family before beginning. According to the Toward an Integrated Science of Research on families Workshop Report, “Families consist of members with very different perspectives, needs, obligations, and resources. The characteristics of individual family members change over time—within life spans and across generations. Families exist in a broader economic