Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Ice Breaker Seven

Ice Breaker Seven

Q We are in our final week of the Ice Breaker discussion and I want to thank all of you for sharing your thoughts and opinions in the previous ice breakers. For this final discussion, I would like you to share what topic, subject, or person you found the most interesting or relatable during our course studies and why. It has been a pleasure getting to know all of you during this course and I have truly enjoyed reading your various thoughts, analysis and opinions on the topics we have discussed. Thank you all for your hard work! Please e-mail me if you ever need a letter of recommendation for a scholarship, college transfer, or employment reference as I would be happy to provide one.

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Throughout the class, an exciting article that interested me was Hollitz chapter 10, source 4. This source spoke about Charity Bowery (1847-1848). Charity was a mother of sixteen children. Her goal was to buy freedom for some of her children. Charity did not want them to experience what she had endured while enslaved. She worked many long days and nights providing for her master and mistress. Her mistress would take her children away from her and sell her children.