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Human Sexuality_ Exercise Paraphilic Case Study

Human Sexuality_ Exercise Paraphilic Case Study

Q Please pick one of the Case Studies on Professor Fell’s Website opens in new window. Describe the impact the paraphilicbehaviour has on the individual and the victim. How does this impact both of their lives? What struggles to each of them face? Then, based on what you have read in Chapter 15, predict whether the behaviour of the person with the paraphilia is likely to escalate. Use the theories on the escalating behaviour of paraphilia to support your argument.

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Voyeurism is a behavior is a behavior that shows a compulsive peeping at other’s personal space to see them engaging in sexual behavior. The person gets pleasure in seeing the behavior and often they are seen to engage in such peeping without actually wanting to engage in such sexual behavior. The different encounters with psychiatrists and psychologists seek out the presence of normal sexual behavior in daily life. It is also true that the person gets pleasures from the peeping behavior and that pleasure is even more that the actual sexual act.