Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Homework 1_Wilson

Homework 1_Wilson

Q Research each of the following four topics and submit your answers in a .docx (Word) format: 1. Explain why color is a measure of a star’s temperature. 2. What elements are stars mostly made of? How do we know this? 3. What did Annie Cannon contribute to the understanding of stellar spectra? 4. What is the defining difference between a brown dwarf and a true star? Your submission should be one to two pages, 12-point font, double spaced. Please include your last name in the document filename.

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In case of star’s temperature, color is a measure because there are diversified wavelengths of colors which are emitted by stars. The temperature of every star is the basis on which the changes in the color of every star depend. There are areas in which there can be the finding of emissions of every star to be concentrated. It is in these areas that there can the observance of the connection/relation of the temperature of every star with the wavelength of light. It is in wavelengths that there can be the determination of every star’s emitted energy. Cool stars show tendencies of being measured by infrared wavelengths or even by red wavelengths.