Student Solution


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Final Exam_ History of United States

Final Exam_ History of United States

Q ESSAY ONE 1. Describe the market revolution that began in the 1810s. How did it affect Americans’ work and domestic lives? In your answer, be sure to consider how gender contributed to these developments?

Q ESSAY TWO 2. At the end of the Civil War, it remained to be seen exactly how emancipation would transform the South. How did emancipation change political and labor organization in the region? In your answer, discuss how ex-slaves exercised their new freedoms and how white southerners attempted to limit them. ESSAY THREE 3. Evaluate the validity of the following statement: “Slavery was integral to the development of the American nation.”

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A historic economic transformation took place in the first half of the ninetieth century which is known as great market revolution, sweeping over the entire United States. A series of innovative ideas in the field of transportation and communication acted as a catalyst in this revolution. During the colonial era, no such change was found in the technology. No modification was done in making of sailing ship, big construction used to do by hand and the tradition of passing skill was done from artesian to journeyman to the apprentice. At the beginning of the nineteenth century most, the major number of roads were rutted, which were made through the woods.