Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

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Exercise Page H10: Hidden Links

Exercise Page H10: Hidden Links

Q Find as many hidden messages (or assumptions) as you can for the following claims. (Give me at least two each.) Please do not debate the ideas or repeat them in different words. Our only job is to state what is implied or suggested by the statements. See example below for help. You may struggle a bit with these. This is expected, so don't freak out. Try to deal directly with what the statements say. Try not to repeat the ideas or go too far away from what is stated. There are additional examples in the second part of Section I to assist you as well. For example: We’d better cancel the picnic because it is going to rain. Hidden or unstated messages: • o Picnics are usually outside. o People don’t like to get wet while they eat their food. o Rain is not considered good weather for a picnic. o When it is probably going to rain, it makes sense to cancel picnics. ________________________________________ Please use the Homework Template (Links to an external site.), number your responses, and find at least two hidden messages for each statement. 1. You should get to a gas station because your car is on empty. 2. You had better duck because there’s going to be an explosion. 3. Don’t take that class because it begins at 7:30 a.m. 4. Don’t feed that punch to the baby because it has vodka in it. 5. Study hard because if you don’t you’ll fail the test. 6. We should send him to the mortuary because he is dead. 7. You should vote for him because he is popular and good looking. 8. You should drop that class because the teacher is strict about grammar. 9. She will not date him because he is too unattractive. 10. Jim doesn’t like classical music because he is from Iowa

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1. You should get to a gas station because your car is on empty. • Gas is found at gas station. • People cannot travel by empty car. 2. You had better duck because there’s going to be an explosion. • An explosion may kill or injure a person. • Ducking can save person from explosion.