Student Solution


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Energy Management

Energy Management

Q Discussion Closes: The Nuclear Energy and West Texas - Project Team 8 From 44 unread replies.44 replies. Before entering the discussion group, consider the role of water in current nuclear power plants. There is a new technology for nuclear power, high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear plants. Read the following brief description on HTGC technology . There was a proposal to build a high-temperature reactor in West Texas, probably in Andrews County. Your group should discuss the pros and cons of bringing nuclear power, specifically a high temperature gas-cooled facility to West Texas. To start the discussion, each individual should submit a short statement on whether you think bringing a high-temperature nuclear plant would be good for West Texas. Give at least two rationale for your stance. This first submission should be completed by Tuesday at midnight. You will not be able to see other group members' views until you have submitted yours. Once three or four members have made their initial submissions, discuss the ideas presented. If everyone in the group starts off on one-side of the proposal or the other, discuss what you think those who disagree with you would say. Finally toward the end of the week have someone propose three top reasons for and three reason against bringing a HTGC reactor to West Texas. Discuss these and then have a vote. Last person to vote gets to tally the votes and present the results to the group.

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If West Texas builds the nuclear plant water will be essential. Water is an essential component in a nuclear plant. The water will be taken from the Colorado River. Primarily the water is transferred into steam because the steam can be transferred into different places in pipes and then they are received in the turbine machine whi9ch in turn is connected to the turbine. The turbine can be used then to turn the steam, kinetics into electricity. It is a process