Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Dynamics Phase One Work Team Design

Dynamics Phase One Work Team Design

Q Phase One – Designing a Work Team In this phase of the team competency project you will be asked to design a hypothetical team. The task of this team should be something that you have knowledge of so that you can plan for it effectively. Your work team paper will be comprised of two parts. 1. Description of the team –in this section of the paper you will describe the team you are designing and the work that it will be doing. The team you are designing work for will consist of 4-7 individuals focused on a specific task. Since you are designing the work you will need to understand the work. The description of the team will be you describing what type of task you are creating for the team and what the individual member’s role would be in the task. (1 page) 2. Description of the plan – in this section of the paper you will utilize the first six chapters of Leading Teams to design work for a team. It is critical that you include how you will plan to create a real team, a compelling direction, an enabling structure, a supportive context, and provide expert coaching. (4-6 pages) Description of the team

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There is a lake in our locality which used to be a very fresh lake and people used to visit it for having a good time yet since many years it has been neglected and its water has become a lake full of garbage. Thus, the team that will be created for this project will be the team that will be taking care of the lake and its surrounding areas. The team will be raising awareness to the people of the importance of the lake and how it could be a very refreshing area to visit.