Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject



Q Make a list of some of your previous experiences reading the Bible from childhood up to now. This could involve anything from the Old Testament, the New Testament, or the Bible as a book itself. For example, you might remember learning about the New Testament in Sunday School as a child or hearing scripture referred to in political campaigns. If you have had little to no exposure to scripture, please reflect on any thoughts or notions about the Bible that have come to your mind in the course thus far. Also, make a list of goals that you have for this course, things that you want to learn or develop over the remainder of the course. You may want to develop your knowledge about what is in the New Testament or more frequently apply scripture to your daily life. Write a 600-700 word essay in which you describe two previous experiences and two of your goals for this class (approximately 250 words for each half). That would make for 4 total items (two past experiences and two goals). The paper should follow the APA formatting guidelines as set forth in the syllabus. This will make an approximately two page paper.

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I have been exposed to the Bible from the very beginning of my life and have been reading it till date. It was my parents who in my childhood introduced me to the Bible and different verses. They used to make me memorize many of popular verses. I used to go to Sunday school with my elder brother and sister. To be true I used to go at the beginning for the stories that our Sunday school teacher used to tell us and the sweets that they used to distribute after the class.