Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Dq_22nd Nov

Dq_22nd Nov

Q Discuss how the development of the Internet has changed the market structure in which companies operate. Remember that, for purposes of this class, we are assuming most firms can be categorized as being in perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, or monopoly. Keep in mind, however, that perfect competition exists mostly as an ideal or benchmark, i.e. it is rarely if ever seen in the 'real world.'

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The development of the Internet has changed the different types of the aspects of life and there are different types of the issues that have been there in the different types of the cases and also there are many things that are part of the different development process. There has been a very good type of the cases in the different parts of the business world in the sense that there are many people who are able to understand the various types of the issues in the field of the development and it is also very true that there are numerous types of the developments in the technical fields.