Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject



Q For this DQ I would like for you to create a statistical profile of an immigrant group in the United States. Your profile should integrate some numerical data as well as some historical notes, but above all, try to bring ‘your’ immigrant group to life for those of us who are not familiar with its’ history in the US. In your DQ write up, please address SOME of the following questions: 1. The migration history of your group -- when did your group begin arriving in significant numbers? Have there been peaks and dips in the group’s migration? Speculate about the reasons for changes over time. 2. What is the total number of foreign-born of your immigrant group today? What is their percentage of all foreign born residents? What is their size relative to other groups? 3. What are the predominant means of immigrant entry for your group today, i.e., migration as family sponsored immigrants, employment immigrants, temporary workers, refugees & asylees and/or illegal migrants? 4. Investigate two or three demographic or socio-economic characteristics of the group, e.g., their residential patterns, gender or age composition, educational attainment, poverty, racial diversity, family structure, citizenship status, etc. Speculate on why you see these patterns. While I do want you to provide some specific numbers and facts, you don’t need to document exhaustive statistics and trends, just enough to paint a vivid picture and offer some discussion points. Feel free to carry out your own searches for numbers and background or start by exploring these links.

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The history of Chinese immigration can be trailed from the 1850s when Chinese workers came to the United States to work in gold mines. However, with the rise of Chinese laborers, The Chinese Exclusion Act tried to stop Chinese laborers from migrating to the United States. The act was annulled in 1943, and in 1980 the immigration started growing massively. The Chinese manual laborers migrated to the United States in the first half of the 19th century to be employed in the agricultural sector, railroad construction, mining sectors, and other low-skilled jobs.