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Q The war on terror has caused many Americans to begin to take a look at the use of torture to gain important information in order to prevent any future damage to our country.  Using torture, however it is defined, has caused some moral inquiry.  Under what circumstances, if any, do you believe torture can be used in fighting terror?  How do you believe a utilitarian would view the use of torture?       

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Primarily, I do not believe in torture for gaining information from others and I do not support this factor at all. However, if it comes to protecting the country from possible damage, I would definitely say that torture is a cunning idea. I believe torture is ethical when it comes to the safety of the country. In normal cases, we cannot take torture as granted. For example, someone is torturing some other person just to fulfill own strategies or to get some information, it is not justified. On the other side, the cops are torturing the suspects to get the information it is justified. I do not think that torturing can be justified by in many cases but there are a number of exceptions. In answer to the question given, it can be seen that the safety of the country is associated.