Student Solution


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Q Using the disorder you wrote about last week answer the following questions.   Of the therapy approaches discussed in the text and slide show which approaches do you think would work best for the disorder you picked? Explain why.   Consider the issues concerning treatment and patient’s rights raised in the text, slide show, and video clips.  How do you think these types of issues might apply to the disorder you picked?   Go to Proquest Psycholgy Journals (see the directions below), and find one scholarly article on the treatment of this disorder.  Cite the article at the end of your post, and in your own words sum up the article.  Which approach does the article take (i.e. behavioral, cognitive, etc.)?

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. The disorder I picked in the last discussion was depression and there are multiple approaches to treat it. There are both psychological and medical ways of treating depression. People in depression, mainly prefer the psychological ways of treating it because these therapies contained less side effects and can give a long lasting effect. People do not want the antidepressants of a high dose right now. For psychological treatment, there is Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and Interpersonal therapy (IPT) which can cure the patient s from inside. IPT is concerned with the relationship problems and CBT is associated with the behavior. I believe that both are necessary to treat depression.