Student Solution


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Q • Based on the below article, what is the "critical business issue" facing The Coca-Cola Company? Why? • Regarding Coca-Cola's new innovation strategy, what are the "Environmental pressures for change" that the company is facing? Why? Make sure you refer to Figure 3.1. (page 65) in the text and support/reference your answer with concepts in the chapter reading.• Based on the Change Images described on page 63 (Table 3.1), which Image(s) would you most likely want to lead this change? Which Image(s) would most likely resist this change initiative? Why?

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All the companies at various stages have issues that they have to deal with and similarly, Coca-Cola too has to deal with issues and work towards being good at what they are. The critical business issue that the company is that they have to create more ‘billion-dollar’ brands in an assorted portfolio and work towards infusing discipline in all the aspects of the business. Since the firm has a presence in more than two hundred countries, therefore, they have to make subsequent and considerable success in each country so that it adds on and makes a positive change in the overall scenario for the brand.