Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Discussion1-Technology in Society

Discussion1-Technology in Society

Q Go to the Sustainable Technology (formerly Appropriate Technology) web page for Appalachian State University at Read the page content especially noting the seven bulleted items after the word Discover… Click on Major in Sustainable technology and peruse the information on that major. Go back to the first page and find Sustainable Technology Program News near the bottom, and then click on the Read more icon at the very bottom to expand this list. Go to at least three of the many links read the content there would a degree program in Sustainable Technology appeal to you as a student and a citizen? Why or why not? Which of the links you read appealed to you the most? Why? Post your answers/observations to the two questions above and answer another classmates post. As you can see there are no wrong answers here, only wrong amounts of effort.

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The degree program in the sustainable technology appeals to me both the citizen and a student. From the students’ perspective, it can be said that the sustainable technology is an emerging field, so it would be a good career option. Currently, on one side the source of fossil fuel is decreasing at an increasing rate; on the other side, due to the excessive use of fossil fuels the environmental balance is being disturbed.