Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject



Q Using the methods referenced in the textbook on pages 125-143, for this post, please discuss: 1. What have you learned about doing a needs assessment for an organization now that you are creating your own? 2. Think about your educational experiences, what method(s) did your favorite teacher(s) use? 3. Why do you think this method(s) was memorable? 4. Considering the particular needs of YOUR organization you are working with for this course, what do you think would be best the training method(s) and why?

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Need assessment can be described as a procedure that is undertaken for determining the needs of an organization. Initiation, data collection as well as data analysis and the final production are the main components. The reasons why these need assessments are important because the process of need assessment is helpful in determining the area s that need attention and the gaps in the organization that need to be addressed so that the desired goals of the organization are achieved (Beebe, Mottet & Roach, 2013).