Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Discussion topic 1 for week 8_Advanced Technical Writing

Discussion topic 1 for week 8_Advanced Technical Writing

Q 1. How does Locker distinguish technical writing from business writing? Write a couple of sentences or so in your response to this question. 2. You have written a set of instructions on how to navigate a website. You have also written a recipe. You have written an essay that compares and contrasts two websites. You also wrote a technical description for your friend Archie (this was one of the discussion topics in class). Finally, you are finishing up a white paper. Would you agree with Locker? Would you say that technical writing is expository and that business writing is persuasive? Did any of the writing assignments in this class involve some persuasion? Please draw upon your experience in writing the various writing assignments and tasks.

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The very basic difference between business writing or communication and technical writing is in the scope of its intent, as highlighted by Locker. While business writing emphasizes on persuasion, technical writing emphasizes on exposition. To put in simple words, business writing has the purpose of persuading and convincing a reader of the content, and technical writing aims to inform and explain. Of course, with different intended results, it is expected that the purpose of the documents, in either case, will be drafted accordingly, thus making them unique from each other.