Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Discussion Board Portfolio

Discussion Board Portfolio

Q Submit a compilation of up to ten (10) of your individual discussion board posts to receive full credit of 30 points. Make sure to identify from which week of the semester. You are welcome to submit five (5) additional posts for an additional 15 points. Posts receive up to three (3) points each for how well they directly and specifically address the question, relevant primary sources, historical background from the textbook, or the rubrics used to evaluate your essay.

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The late 14th and early 15th century rulers, according to historical records and inquiries, were deliberately acquiescing, as evidenced by their deeds, words, and deeds. Henry VII of England, 1491-1547, as depicted in Hans Holbein's oil painting, is a remarkable figure. In addition to a wide frightening posture, his shoulders were massive and his eyebrows were prominent. In his voice, we can hear him boasting, "I'm better than you." Aristotle equates monarchy to the Olympian deities. It is depicted in the painting Ferdinand ll and the Catalan Cortes (1495) that people admire and are brainwashed by their leaders.