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Discussion Board 5 Moral Development

Discussion Board 5 Moral Development

Q After reviewing the resources and readings for this unit on morality (including the video --morality and murder), consider the development of moral reasoning. • How and when does moral reasoning develop? • What issues did the resources bring to the surface this week on the perspectives on "moral behavior"? • Apply at least two theorists (Gilligan, Kohlbherg, Piaget, etc) work to understanding the complexities of morality.

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This week’s lesson hashed light on the fact that moral development children began at a very early stages. Due to this reason, children have the power of reasoning to determining what is right and wrong. However, certain theorists, such as Kohlberg has underpinned that the moral development in children happens in certain stages. This implies that the maturity of moral reasoning develops in children little by little in each of these stages.