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Discussion Board 10 - reliable sources for APA final persuasive research paper

Discussion Board 10 - Reliable Sources for APA Final Persuasive Research Paper

Q For your final paper in this class (and in papers you will write for other classes), you will want to use reliable, credible research sources. Just because something is a website doesn't mean it is accurate! Please review this article on reliable websites for research: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Requirements for the final paper are to use the Aaron Smith article provided, plus two other sources. Consider what sources you will use for your final paper. Tell your classmates about these sources and why you have decided they are reliable and credible sources. Then respond to two of your classmates with your comments using the usual 2+2 format for responses. Other factors to consider in selecting your sources are if they cover both advantages and disadvantages of the shared economy. Also, make sure that your research covers a variety of shared economy business models (I've had students just write about why Uber is good, which is much too limited!)

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Apart from the Aaron Smith article provided, the other two sources which I plan to utilize in my Final Paper will be as follows: Huarng, K. H. (2018). Entrepreneurship for Long-term Care in Sharing Economy. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 14(1), 97-104. So, K. K. F., Oh, H., & Min, S. (2018). Motivations and constraints of Airbnb consumers: Findings from a mixed-methods approach. Tourism Management, 67, 224-236. The first source (as per the article titled Entrepreneurship for Long-term Care in Sharing Economy from the International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal) is important to introduce to the readers of my paper about the functioning and the operations of the LYFT service contributing to shared economy.