Student Solution


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Discussion 9_Self and Social Perception

Discussion 9_Self and Social Perception

Q Answer each part of this question set. Browse the different etiquette rules on this Emily Post website. • Choose a rule of etiquette and describe it here. • What is the purpose of this rule for daily interaction? • If possible, when did this rule of etiquette come about? • What does this say about the society or groups where this rule is relevant?

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I chose to describe etiquette regarding table manners from the article that discusses the top ten table manners. While chewing with mouths closed and not checking phone unless an emergency is the two top rules and are the most basic requirement for etiquette while dining, these two are also the most neglected ones. People talk while they chew and don’t care if the entire content of the mouth is exposed and checking the hone is the more important deal than eating or catching up with each other.