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Discussion 7_Classical Egypt

Discussion 7_Classical Egypt

Q Discuss Van De Mieroop’s assessment of the domestic issues in Egypt during the early 18th Dynasty. Which of the domestic issues presented by Van De Mieroop do you find the most important for the development of an ancient Egyptian cultural identity and why?

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The 18th Dynasty was the first dynasty of the New Kingdom that ruled from 1549/1550 to 1292 B.C. During this period, Egypt was at the peak of prestige, wealth, and power. Van de Mieroop has written that “New Kingdom Egypt was an imperialist state: the country annexed territories outside its traditional borders and controlled them for its own benefit. This policy had its roots in earlier periods...but peaked in the New Kingdom when Egypt was in an almost permanent state of war” (pg. 157). The reign begins with Amenhotep I (c. 1541-1520 BCE) and he expanded the southern borders into Nubia. Under the 18th Dynasty, warfare was much organized and the commanding orders were in a hierarchical manner. One of the important aspects of warfare of the 18th Dynasty was the horse-drawn chariot which was introduced by the Hyksos. Van de Mieroop has written about their importance.