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Discussion 5.1_Leadership

Discussion 5.1_Leadership

Q Certain leadership tactics and management practices may positively or negatively affect employee empowerment, motivation, and productivity. Research evidence of how your chosen leader's behavior affected employee empowerment, motivation, and productivity in his or her organization. Describe how the leader's behavior shaped organizational culture in a positive or negative fashion. Were any ethical and/or unethical political behaviors evident in these tactics?

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Mark Zuckerberg is one of those leaders who are very much famous among their employees. Zuckerberg has a reputation of being a transformational leader who always takes proper care of his employees. Mark Zuckerberg is very popular among his team due to various reasons and one of the main reasons behind that is the fact that he is not a traditional leader. Mark Zuckerberg challenged the traditional hierarchical values (Kux, n.d.) and is helping the employees to grow within this huge organization.