Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

DQ2_Cultural Intelligence

DQ2_Cultural Intelligence

Q • Watch the Oliver Phillips video about CQ Knowledge. • Describe one cross-cultural event you have experienced in the past. Demonstrate your knowledge of culture by identifying perceptions and behaviors that were similar to or different from your own cultural perceptions and behaviors. What did you see? How did you feel? What seemed strange? Why? In what ways did you demonstrate CQ Knowledge? In what ways did you not demonstrate CQ Knowledge? Do not worry about not knowing the anthropological terms for what you experience. Put it in your own words. Later, your facilitator may identify what something may be called in cultural anthropology.

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I would refer to the same event of my cousin’s half Hindu and half Christian wedding as at that event I learned a lot about cross cultural events as I think wedding is a very good place to learn about the customs of a culture and when you get to experience such an event you automatically get to know about many new things which you have no clue before. I found it really fascinating to learn about the customs of two different cultures as they come together. Both of the cultures have different wedding rituals but as the wedding followed both of the customs it was an extremely interesting sight.