Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Dq 9.2

DQ 9

Q Read the third and fourth chapter of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Summarize the contents of the chapters in 400 words. Be as exhaustive as possible. Define all key technical terms. End by providing an example of your own that illuminates the central concern of the chapter.

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In Chapter 3, Marx and Engels analyzes three different types of socialism. The first category is that of Reactionary socialism which is made up of feudal socialism, petty bourgeois socialism and true German socialism. Feudal socialist literature arose in the aftermath of the French Revolution as a reaction to the domination of the bourgeoisie. It was propelled by English and French aristocrats who were perhaps interested in propelling their own vested interests. The petty bourgeoisie stand in the twilight zone of slipping into the category of the proletariats as they are descendants of the class of medieval burgesses and peasant proprietors.