Student Solution


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Connections 3

Connections 3

Q Choose one of the prompts. The First and Second Laws of thermodynamics can be described using these phrases: First, you can't win and Second, you can't break even. Explain what this means. OR California is encouraging all residents to conserve water. You want to zero-scape (drought tolerant) your landscape. You need to choose plants for an outdoor rock garden. Would you choose a C3, C4 or CAM plant? Explain why and give one example. Rubric Connections (4) Connections (4) Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAccuracy - scientifically valid 5 pts Full Marks 2 pts some inaccuracies 0 pts many inaccuracies 5 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeComplete Answer All aspects of question are answered. 5 pts Full Marks 3 pts somewhat incomplete 0 pts incomplete 5 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescriptive - clear and concise 5 pts Full Marks 3 pts confusing 0 pts unclear 5 pts Total Points: 15 PreviousNext

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If California intends to aim for a zero-scape (drought tolerant) landscape for conserving water, the plants that should be included are C4 and CAM plants. The C4 plants comprise maize, sugarcane, and sorghum while the CAM plants constitute the cacti, orchids, and euphorbias. The C3 plants tend to lose more water since the stomata remain open. Both C4 and CAM photosynthesis are adapted to dry environments because they are more effective at conserving water. CAM plants may also "idle," which helps them conserve water and energy during times of adversity. In contrast to C3 plants, CAM plants fix CO2 at night when their stomata are open. They also have distinct leaf structures.