Student Solution


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Chemical Analysis Report

Chemical analysis

Q Sample 102-1s Please list the chemical formulas and identities of all of the molecules in this section. The Molecule in the practice analysis and Molecule D appear to be similar in chemical composition but not shape. Please provide a hypothesis for why this difference exists. Sample 102-2s Provide a hypothesis for why Molecules A and A(2) and Molecules B and B(2) have the sample chemical formula yet A(2) and B(2) have a higher molecular weight than their counterparts. Sample 102-3s What elements were in the sample? Why did these elements appear to carry a charge? Sample from Grid 103 Hypothesize why the samples appeared to melt the sample containers at different rates. Provide a protocol to Mission Control for how to reduce the corrosive nature of the water from this Grid.

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Sample 102-1s Analysis: 1. Molecule A Chemical formula: H2O Name: Water Molecule B Chemical Formula: CO2 Name: Carbon dioxide