Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Chapter 4-5 Assessment

Chapter 4-5 Assessment

Q 5. If you were an English citizen in 1606 and had the opportunity to be a part of founding Jamestown, would you have done it?4. If you were in charge of recruiting colonists for a new colony, how would you do it? What would you do to convince people to leave all that they know and try to build a new life for themselves in a possibly dangerous new land?

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If I were an English citizen given an opportunity to be a part of founding Jamestown in 1606 then I would not have taken that opportunity because of the initial struggles faced by the colonists which were deadly. First of all, the leader Captain Newport was not that able leader and did not realize that setting up in a marshy area which was unhealthy alongside James river would prove negative in the long run.