Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Chapter 2 Exercises

Chapter 2 Exercises

Q Exercise 2.1 4) What is Stereotyping? 8) How does subjective relativism imply infallibility?13) What is the appeal to popularity?17) Is critical thinking concerned with the objective or the subjective truth of claims?

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1.Stereotyping is making an assumption of a person based on already defined culture, beliefs, or ideas or existing theories. 2.Subjective relativism infers ethical infallibility every individuals cannot be wrong. For instance, let us say a person is approving an action or an idea then it is ethically or morally right to that person. 3.When an argument or a decision is discussed with the public and the opinion of whether it is right or wrong is left with people then it of appeal to popularity.