Student Solution


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Chapter 16 DQ

Chapter 16 DQ

Q This semester we have examined the steps in a typical felony prosecution and the procedural safeguards in place for criminal defendants. Despite these safeguards, sometimes we get it wrong, and innocent people are convicted of crimes they did not commit. Appellate courts were put in place for error correction, and they serve a very important role in cases of wrongful convictions. According to the Innocence Project, there have been over 360 innocent people exonerated by DNA, and the vast majority of them are racial minorities. Explore some of these cases at: Based on the causes of wrongful convictions detailed in the chapter, what solutions should be in place to prevent these miscarriages of justice in the future? Discuss in your own words at least 2 reform ideas that you think should be implemented in the criminal justice system to prevent wrongful convictions in the future.

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As of the record in last thirty year, there had been a significant increase not only in the number of exempting the innocent defendants but also for academic scholarship received upon invalid sentencing. The criminal literature has figured out that a number of common factors which can be viewed frequently as invalid sentencing cases, also do include materialistic error, prosecutorial misdemeanours, wrong acknowledgements and most important of all eyewitness misidentification.