Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Ch 8 HW

Ch 8 HW

Q Below are the questions you must answer for the Chapter 8 homework. All questions are worth 1 point except for the short answer. The homework must be done on a word processor. Your answers should be in your own words. Copying directly from the textbook without proper citation is plagiarism. 1. All of the following are examples of proactive interference EXCEPT:

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1. All of the following are examples of proactive interference EXCEPT: a. Dave recently changed his debit-card PIN, but still enters the old pin by mistake b. At the beginning of every semester, Dr. Amati calls her new students’ by the names of her students from the previous semester. c. James ruined his date with a new girlfriend by calling her is old girlfriend’s name d. Samantha lost her new combination lock she used at her gym. She has an old lock but can’t use it because she only remembers the combination numbers for the new lock.