Student Solution


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1 University

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Ch 01 Discussion

Ch 01 Discussion

Q Without first obtaining a marriage license, Evelyn and Joe were married in a religious ceremony. Thereafter, they lived together as husband and wife. They raised four children, all of whose birth certificates listed Joe as their father. At no time did either party deny that they were married. In an action to dissolve the marriage, Evelyn claimed that the lack of a marriage license made the marriage void. What do you think?

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I think that the marriage between Evelyn and Joe can be called and classified as a void marriage in the sense that the marriage never had any legal recognition from the beginning of the time when the couple had been married in a religious ceremony. Even after raising children or before raising children, Evelyn and Joe never thought of getting a legal marriage certificate. This further added on to the invalidity of the marriage as the marriage had automatically become null from the beginning of the time from when both Evelyn and Joe had started living together as husband and wife (Liuzzo & Bonnice, 2016).