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Central and Peripheral Routes to Persuasion Discussion-Social Psychology

Central and Peripheral Routes  to Persuasion Discussion-Social Psychology

Q 1) Select the best ad from your Central & Peripheral Routes to Persuasion project. Make sure you explain enough detail so people “get it” (you could include a link, if possible). (2) Describe the ad in general and then very specifically analyze the way(s) in which the ad uses central and/or peripheral persuasion attempts. Be specific, explain why/how it is central or peripheral.

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The best ad from the central and peripheral routes to persuasion project could be of the post raisin bran advertisement where it has very clearly made the audience understand that if a person eats the raisin bran with milk for their breakfast then it will send the signal to their brain that they are full and cannot eat anything else. The ad very well tried to explain the basic concepts of central and peripheral persuasion attempts as it initially providing the description of both raisins and bran and then made us understand that by eating those in breakfast we will reduce the sensation of hunger.