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Celebrity Endorsements

Celebrity Endorsements

Q Do you think celebrity ads work? Pick a position and defend it after reading the Plank and two adage articles: Under Armour’s Founder on Learning to Leverage Celebrity Endorsements_Plank.pdf Consumers Love Apple's 'Elitist' Celebrity Siri Ads Celebrities in Advertising Are Almost Always a Big Waste of Money

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Most of the organizations prefer celebrity endorsement for promoting and advertising their products and services as the celebrities are considered as the role model for the society. On the other hand, the celebrities are known face and famous, therefore, if they sell any kind of products or services, it has a great value (Plank 2012). Even the advertising companies use the celebrity endorsement only because to build the brand equity and to give a powerful name to the particular brand, the required recognition for allowing the specific company to obtain the desired profits and sales in a proper manner.