Student Solution


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Case Study Assignment Organizational Leadership and Management in Sport, Fitness and Recreation (2)

Case Study Assignment_Organizational Leadership and Management in Sport, Fitness and Recreation

Q Answer the questions below in the grid. • In a Word document, complete the assignment and describe each section below. Divide your paper using subheadings so it is very clear and easy to follow. I’ve listed prompts that you need to address (feel free to add others as needed) but make sure you explain your reasoning. Also, remember to integrate course concepts. • Submit to the drop box in D2L In your write-up answer the following questions. Remember to make sure you anchor your responses in course concepts. Feel free to make assumptions (you don’t have all the information); just state what those are when providing your answers/ideas. Name First, Last, Module 9: Case Study Analysis Question 1 What is the problem? (remember problem solving) What are the major facts in the case? Question 2 How would you start to negotiate a plan that would potentially satisfy both parties? How can you move/avoid positional bargaining to collaborative bargaining? Question 3 How would you go about structuring a negotiation process? Question 4 What traps do you want to avoid to further polarize both groups? Question 5 What do you think would happen if you told both sides you were going to make the decision yourself and they had to deal with it? Question 6 What alternatives do you have besides the two that have been offered? Molly Sheridan, Module 9: Case Study Analysis:

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In this particular case, there was an argument that was arisen either in favor or against repairing the clock tower. As the Dohrn Dormitory Complex consisted the clock tower which was provided as a special gift from the Dohrn family. Now the committee members were of two major opinions and one section was ready to restructure the historical significance of the complex which will also make the Dohrn family be happy while on the other hand, the other section of the committee was not ready to spend much on the leak.